Over the years I’ve heard many different ideas expressed about what the priesthood is and how it’s arranged and conflicting notions of what are the keys contained therein and who holds them. I’ve heard those who profess to know about the priesthood and who should know what they are saying about the subject, teach things, which are inaccurate and untrue. Many ideas are a rather transparent effort to bolster a person’s position or a group’s standing, or diminish others in the overall scheme of things within the Lord’s Kingdom. Most perspectives are a distortion of what is actually correct. This session is an effort to make a little clearer what Joseph Smith taught about the Priesthood of God so it can be easily understood by anyone inclined to learn what was restored in this last dispensation. This information should benefit not only those in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but those who claim any kind of priesthood relationship to the Church or Joseph Smith Jr., however distant.

The current dispensation of the fullness of times is a last dispensation of the priesthood authorities and ordinances to be restored before the advent of Christ’s return. This is said to highlight the fact that the priesthood is what was missing from the earth and had to be restored because of the great apostasy of the dark ages. The teachings of the gospel of faith in Jesus Christ were still being taught then and were generally correct before God commissioned young Joseph Smith to begin his work. Yes, some plain and precious understandings were lost from the Bible over the centuries, which would have been nice to have and were happily restored through the text of the Book of Mormon and the revelations given through the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr., but what had been lost entirely was all the authority and power of the gospel for the benefit of the children of man as a whole. There may have been certain individuals roaming the earth during the apostasy with priesthood, but they lacked the commission from God to reestablish all the previous ordinances of the Priesthood from all earlier dispensations and organize fully the true church of Christ on the earth. That job was foreordained upon the head of Joseph Smith Junior, son of Joseph Smith Senior, of Harmony, New York, before the world was.

All things under the direction of the heavens are to be done in proper order as commanded by God the Eternal Father. So it is with the restoration of the Priesthood and the building of the temples of God. The Priesthood is not a result of the organization of the church. The church is the result of the restoration of the Priesthood. The Priesthood at large in the present day embraces three Priesthoods or orders of priesthood.

The 1st and greatest is the Order of Melchizedek, which holds the keys of the high priesthood, presidency and endless life. This order is commonly, but incorrectly, referred to as the “Apostolic Order” among those of some of the Mormon spin-off groups. Ordination to this general order of High Priesthood is to be by revelation and ordination by one having authority to perform such. The Melchizedek Priesthood when properly conferred holds all the keys available to man on earth, however all the keys, privileges and powers contained therein are never all usable together and cannot be activated by assumption or default. Some authorities are automatically in force by virtue of the conferral but many are withheld until allowed by revelation and/or subsequent callings and ordinations by higher authorities.

The next or 2nd order is the Patriarchal Priesthood, the holders of such are referred to as Patriarchs and Evangelists. This order of priesthood was the first and only on the earth up to the time of Moses and held all the keys and ordinances required to save one to any of the degrees of the Celestial Kingdom. This order of priesthood is the only one with the authority of adoption of one man to another. Although mentioned in many of Joseph’s teachings and only implying some of its operations Joseph specifically lists it as a separate order of the Melchizedek Priesthood found in TPJS page 323 where it reads, “The 2nd Priesthood is Patriarchal authority. Go to and finish the temple, and God will fill it with power, and you will then receive more knowledge concerning this priesthood.” This order is distinct in its authorities, powers and keys and exists for those of the chosen seed to whom promises were made and rights to the Priesthood and this order were granted and foreordained. Little was taught to the saints as a body about this order, but it was taught fully and put upon some of those of Joseph’s inner circle of friends and those who would be responsible for its continuation on the earth. This order of the Melchizedek Priesthood was conferred upon Father Abraham at the hand of Melchizedek himself and caused Father Abraham to exclaim now I have a Priesthood of my own.

Ordination to this Priesthood is to be by revelation and ordination by one of this order and so one to only have authority to perform that ordinance. Once this order is conferred properly it is handed down from father to son, be it to progeny or through adoption. This order of Priesthood cannot be not automatically assumed by virtue of the first conferral of the Melchizedek Priesthood and the mortal status of husband and father of a family. There are certain privileges attached to that status but inclusion into this Order of Priesthood is not one of them. The Lord establishes this order of Priesthood in Section 107 of the D & C verses 39-42, 53 “It is the duty of the Twelve, in all large branches of the church, to ordain evangelical ministers, as they shall be designated unto them by revelation— The order of this priesthood was confirmed to be handed down from father to son, and rightly belongs to the literal descendants of the chosen seed, to whom the promises were made. This order was instituted in the days of Adam, and came down by lineage in the following manner: From Adam to a Seth, who was ordained by Adam at the age of sixty-nine years, and was blessed by him three years previous to his (Adam’s) death, and received the promise of God by his father, that his posterity should be the chosen of the Lord, and that they should be preserved unto the end of the earth; … 53 Three years previous to the death of Adam, he called Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah, who were all a high priests, with the residue of his posterity who were righteous, into the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and there bestowed upon them his last blessing.”

Ordination to this higher power is not the calling of what is known today as a Stake Patriarch. The higher Evangelical order is the Priesthood into which father Joseph Smith Sr. and Hyrum Smith were ordained. Their additional calling was to sustain the church with the keys they were given as part of this Priesthood. Others were ordained to this Evangelical Priesthood before the death of Joseph, but could not hold the office of Patriarch to the Church, which held keys specific to that office and calling. These Patriarchs could not use some of the keys of this order outside the confines of their own families. Although they could magnify aspects of this Priesthood outside the structure of the Church and they could also execute Church authorized ordinances as Priesthood holders therein. All members of this Order, though mostly autonomous, fall generally under the auspices of the President of the High Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek who is the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The final or 3rd order is that of Aaron. The Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood is the order of Priesthood responsible for the outward ordinances of the gospel of repentance including the ordinance of sacrificial offerings, the keys of which reside within it along with the ministering of angels. Only through the operations of this Priesthood with its ordinances and blessings is entry gained into the Gospel and the Church and Body of Christ. This order is conferred by one having authority and should be passed from father to son, if possible. If not, another with proper authority may confer and ordain.

There are offices and callings ostensibly of the priesthood in the Mormon Church, which arrange a separation of operational duties within the church. Although these are described as offices of the priesthood, they exist in the church for the benefit of the work the church is to carry out on earth and are not imposed outside the church or throughout the eternities. Those of the highest Priesthood and degree of the Celestial Kingdom are to be Kings and Priests unto God. When Joseph and Oliver received the Melchizedek Priesthood they were ordained the first and second elders even though they were given the authorities that would later be associated with Seventies, High Priests, Apostles, Priests, Teachers, Deacons, Prophets, Seers, and Revelators. There were High Priests during the time of the Patriarchs that signified that certain higher achievements and ordinances within the high priesthood we now call Melchizedek had been personally realized as members of the chosen bloodline.

There is also a special circumstance but not a separate order of Priesthood. The circumstance is the calling as a prophet of God. Prophets receive the Melchizedek Priesthood and are ordained by God Himself and are usually commissioned to accomplish certain tasks but always to preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ. In TPJS pp 180-181 we read, “Answer to the question, Was the Priesthood of Melchizedek taken away when Moses died? All Priesthood is Melchizedek, but there are different portions or degrees of it. That portion which brought Moses to speak with God face to face was taken away; but that which brought the ministry of angels remained. All the prophets had the Melchizedek Priesthood and were ordained by God himself.” All these orders are but parts of the Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God.

TPJS page 312. “Peter and Stephen testify that they saw the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. Any person that had seen the heavens opened knows that there are three personages in the heavens who hold the keys of power, and one presides over all. If any man attempts to refute what I am about to say, after I have made it plain, let him beware.” Undoubtedly most who read this quotation think of the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Ghost with the Father presiding. This quote also applies to the heavenly organization of the Priesthood. Those holding the keys of Priesthood power are Christ Jesus, Adam and the Holy Ghost with God the Supreme Father in Heaven presiding over all. Joseph spells this out in TPJS page 158, “How have we come at the Priesthood in the last days? It came down, down, in regular succession. Peter, James, and John had it given to them and they gave it to others. Christ is the Great High Priest; Adam next.”

In the earliest dispensations of Priesthood authority on earth there was one Priesthood Order in which all powers, keys, and authority resided. As the time of mankind matured, distinctions within the Priesthood were enacted to specialize certain functions and separate certain keys, promises and orders.

The first obvious change to the original and traditional passage of the Priesthood occurs with Jacob who is Israel, but the first grand change occurs in the administration of Moses when the Aaronic order is created. When Moses was taken away the children of Israel were left with the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood and the gospel of carnal commandments. The Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood is not two orders, but one Priesthood Order wherein the men of the tribe of Levi were set apart to perform the ordinances and the directly descended sons of Aaron had the right of presidency over the order.

John the Baptist held the keys of Presidency over the Aaronic power and Priesthood and Jesus held the keys of the Order of Priesthood, which supersedes that of Melchizedek in that it holds many powers exclusive to Messiah. Once Jesus submitted to the authority of the Aaronic keys to enter in the proper way, He could go on to fulfill His mission and institute the new covenant. Jesus established the apostleship and the organization of His church so it could proliferate beyond the literal children of Israel and roll forward to cover the whole earth. When the Lord ascended to the Father what remained was the Order of Melchizedek, which holds all the keys allowed on earth to be held by mortal man. Over time the natural disposition of man squandered away the powers of the priesthoods through sin and corruption leaving only the rituals and appearances of real ordinances.

Joseph Smith was ultimately tasked with restoring all the aspects of the Priesthood of Melchizedek to include all past ordinances, orders and performances to answer the law of the Priesthood in all its earthly application. All performances were to be accomplished as a result of the organization of the Church of Christ according to the pattern established by the Lord. Within the strict confines of the modern church there are two active orders of Priesthood. The Order of Melchizedek and the Aaronic order. The Patriarchal Order in the past was, and can be initiated in the church as well as outside the structure of the church through the continuation of family lines. Those of this distinct order can function in callings within the church, but they can also function at large within certain limitations.

The current structure of the Priesthood in relation to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is as follows and will be recapped in a general overview without giving the references to every detail. This subject is easily researched. All the reference works are available in digitally searchable formats. One only need search the word “Priesthood” to find all the pertinent information to verify what is given here.

The Lord has not removed the First Presidency of the High Priesthood from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which holds the keys over the earthly Kingdom of the Lord and it will until the Savior comes in power to redeem Zion and initiate His rule on earth even if mistakes might be made by some Church administrations. This presidency consists of the President of the High Priesthood holding the keys of the Order of Melchizedek with two counselors who regulate the affairs of the church and preside over all other orders of Priesthood. The President may have other advisors outside the Presidency, if so desired.

In D& C 90: 2-4. We see that Joseph is told he will permanently hold the Keys of the Kingdom over this dispensation and they will continue on the earth through him and those who subsequently hold those keys through him will be blessed. “Therefore, thou art blessed from henceforth that bear the keys of the kingdom given unto you; which kingdom is coming forth for the last time. Verily I say unto you, the keys of this kingdom shall never be taken from you, while thou art in the world, neither in the world to come; Nevertheless, through you shall the oracles be given to another, yea, even unto the church.”

In D & C 81: 2. The Lord is referring to Joseph initially holding the Keys of the Kingdom and then continuing through the First Presidency. “Unto whom I have given the keys of the kingdom, which belong always unto the Presidency of the High Priesthood:”

Although many will disagree with this, it remains true nonetheless. There are limits however, to what can be required of some factions of the Priesthood outside the confines of the church, but all Priesthood holders should learn their true place within the law of the Priesthood of God and magnify their callings correctly and righteously. If true understanding prevailed much greater compatibility could be had to the benefit of all God’s children.

Next to the First Presidency is the quorum of Twelve Apostles who share, and as a body, concurrently hold all the keys held by the presidency and some outside the presidency. Assistants to the Twelve have been organized as a group and although not a quorum of Priesthood identified in the restoration, it is within the purview of the Presidency to make some administrative adjustments within the church structure as needed and desired. Those called to be assistants to the Twelve should be High Priests. Technically, the Seventy were to assist the Twelve. None of the Seventy can be High Priests. There are High Councils, which are to be filled by High Priests.

TPJS page 111 reads, “Another subject of vital importance to the Church, was the establishing of the grades of the different quorums. It was ascertained that all but one or two of the presidents of the Seventies were High Priests, and when they had ordained and set apart any from the quorum of Elders, into the quorum of Seventies, they had conferred upon them the High Priesthood also. This was declared to be wrong, and not according to the order of heaven. New presidents of the Seventies were accordingly ordained to fill the places of such of them as were High Priests, and the ex-officio presidents, and such of the Seventies as had been legally ordained to be High Priests, were directed to unite with the High Priests’ quorum.” (April 6, 1837.) DHC 2:475-476.

The Seventy are to be called exclusively from the Elders quorum and not to be, or have been High Priests. The general body of High Priests stand as primarily administrators of things spiritual and things operational within the framework of the church. Recently the High Priests have been directed to meet with the Elders as something of a combined quorum as redefined by the authority of the Church Presidency.

There are also Regional Representatives who have duties under the direction of the Presidency and are to be High Priests. Stake Presidents are High Priests with two counselors to form a Presidency for a division of the church and stand as spiritual authorities over smaller included subdivisions called wards administered by Bishops who are to be either a High Priest, or a literal descendant of Aaron. The Bishop in combination with two counselors if not a direct descendant of Aaron, holds the keys of Presidency over the Aarinic Priesthood within a ward and in combination with the Stake President form a church under the President of the Order of Melchizedek over the High Priesthood. Within the structure of the ward there are quorums of Elders, Priests, Teachers and Deacons. There are Stake Patriarchs who are to be High Priests and are ordained and set apart to this office to give Patriarchal Blessings to those who are without a father or do not receive such from their own father and to give fathers blessings of comfort and aid to those members who are widows or fatherless. They do not hold all the keys pertaining to the Patriarchal Order of Evangelists and do not supplant the Patriarch to the church and the keys associated with that Priesthood, office and calling, nor do they pass their calling to their sons, but operate individually under the authority of, and at the pleasure of, the Church Presidency.

There are legitimate branches of Priesthood operating outside the confines of the modern corporate structure of the church. Some are lines of Priesthood which have been passed through families back to the earliest leaders of the restoration, though many have dwindled to leave very few operationally intact. Some authority was moved outside the church proper during the distresses over Celestial Plural Marriage. It is true that when President of the High Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek John Taylor was eluding capture by governmental agents, the ordinance of Plural Marriage was given to a small group who were made Apostles with a specific and somewhat limited charge. They were charged with the task of keeping Plural Marriage in force on the earth outside the statutory structure of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints thereby preserving its temples and properties from governmental seizure. As a continuation of that charge they were later commissioned to preserve any ordinance of the general provisions of the Melchizedek Priesthood abandoned by the church. None of which have yet occurred. They were also told not to organize a church and in consequence of that restriction were never given the keys necessary to legitimately do so. As a separate quorum of High Priest Apostles they still fall under the auspices of the First Presidency of the High Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek, but function under their founding charter within which they cannot be interfered. There is a presiding High Priest Apostle who heads this quorum of friends who are ordained Apostles and they regulate the affairs of that group’s followers.

There is one last issue that must be addressed. There is no such thing at the present time of one man holding the unfettered right to exercise all the keys of authority or sealing keys, or keys of all ordinances and powers on earth. First we must understand the keys of priesthood. The Melchizedek Priesthood is the authority to act in the name of God on earth for the benefit and blessing of the children of men. Keys of the Melchizedek Priesthood are best described and defined as aspects of priesthood. Keys in the Kingdom of God are many and varied. There are keys of knowledge, keys that seal or make permanent, keys of authority or jurisdiction over others, keys tied directly to gifts of the spirit, keys of control over things physical from the very smallest to the those that control universes, Keys that bless or curse, keys that can be turned in one’s favor or against, keys of specific performance and the list goes on.

The use and efficacy of keys depend on several factors. One governing factor is the role into which one is called and ordained. Each role has a specific set of keys that are active and able to be used in conjunction with that particular order, role or calling. Another factor is the need to use a particular key or aspect of priesthood dependent on circumstance. Another factor for some keys relies solely on revelation from the Lord to accomplish His will. Some keys, can only be passed to another and not used while some keys can be used but once passed on, cannot be used any longer by the one who transfers the keys to another. Some keys once used cannot be used again. Some keys are associated with certain orders or subdivisions of the overall priesthood. Some keys are limited by the bounds of one’s personal jurisdiction. Keys carry knowledge, rights, privileges, authority, and power. The power of all aspects of earthly priesthood comes from God and always depends on the correctness and righteousness of the performance and use of the keys involved. Some keys are used as many times as necessary and some are used once in every cycle of creation. Keys are created and disposed of by God in accordance with eternal law and necessity according to His will.

There are those in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that believe the president of the church holds all keys and authorities and powers. This is not true. This fact is even demonstrated and can be found within this short summary. While it is true that the Melchizedek Priesthood as an eternal power does encompass all authorities, keys and powers, there is no man on earth who can exercise all earthly keys regardless of his position or calling. There are those of various groups outside the Mormon Church who claim the church has lost it’s priesthood authority through mistakes and corruptions and therefore they claim all-inclusive keys, powers and authorities are held by their leaders or leader by default. Likewise, that is not true. The Presidency of the church in combination with the Quorum of the Twelve hold the keys of the Kingdom it is true, but that is not the definition of all the keys of power on earth. There are keys to be within the church not held by the presidency and there are keys held outside the church as well that are not available within the church at all. I know of no time in the history of this earth when all keys have been held and exercised by one man all at the same time. The only being who ever holds all the keys of Priesthood and the capability of exercising any and all of them as He pleases is God the Eternal Father who sits enthroned in the highest heavens.

A word of caution. All things in the Kingdom are not presently in order and operating as they should. What has been presented here is not an exhaustive treatise of the subject but reflects a mixture of what should be and what is, without any effort to identify specific errors so some issues have been ignored entirely and deliberately. A true understanding of Priesthood can only be had through the study of what Joseph Smith Jr. had to say on the subject and the instrumentality of the Holy Ghost. If you disagree with or fail to understand any of this information, let that be the impetus to drive an in-depth study of this important subject.

It is strongly recommended that every holder of Priesthood research the references applicable to this subject out of the Doctrine & Covenants, the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Words of Joseph Smith. There are many links, explanations and commentaries associated with Joseph’s revelations, sermons and teachings, which should be ignored and held in reserve until an understanding of Priesthood is obtained through inspiration of the Holy Ghost as a consequence of narrowly focused personal study and prayer. After gaining confidence in one’s knowledge of the Priesthood as restored through Joseph Smith, then the ideas of others might prove useful to the extent that they are correct.