Why We Do This

It's about all those who are trying to grow

Our Focus

Since the establishment of the Mormon Church some specific and critically important doctrinal understandings are being lost and some well-intentioned but false ideas have become standard teachings to all age groups. 

The most serious aspect of this state of affairs is that our youth are being taught from early childhood things that send them off course and could possibly keep them from filling the full measure of their eternal potential as they mature in this increasingly complex and confusing world. And because they’ve been members in the church in mortality, it’s likely too late to fix these issues and change the results of their resurrection after they’re dead.

Our attempt to help correct this situation is to make available clearer expressions of the basic tenets of the Gospel to benefit everyone. To the young adults and those who teach, we offer suggestions to point their personal and prayerful study toward finding truer information and further light and knowledge from God of the higher principles including the mysteries of Godliness.